SUICIDE:- Why so many people are dying of suicide everyday ?

 The WHO estimates that one million individuals worldwide commit suicide each year, which equates to roughly one death every 40 seconds or 3,000 each day. At least 20 people attempt suicide for every one who actually does so.

Suicides are most common in Asia and Eastern Europe, according to statistics. With 28.6 suicide deaths per 100,000 persons, Lithuania has the highest rate of all. South Korea came in second with 26.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. It seems that Mondays are the days on which most suicides take place. The smallest crowds are on Saturday. A letter is left behind by 10 to 35% of those who take their own lives.

What is suicide?

Suicide is the harm cause to self with the intent of dying. When someone damages oneself with the intention of ending their life, but does not pass away as a result of their acts, it is considered a suicide attempt.

Numerous factors both enhance and decrease the chance of suicide. There is a link between suicide and other types of harm and violence. People who have experienced violence, such as child abuse, bullying, or sexual violence, for instance, are more likely to commit suicide. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors can be reduced by having simple access to health care, connections to family and community support, and several other factors.

What causes people to suicide?

Everyone has their own reasons to suicide but it is still unclear that what's in their mind just before they commit suicide. In most cases it Is observed that people enjoying the whole time with the friends or family found dead of suicide just few time after. So noone  can say who's in which state of mind just by observing Thier actions. If anyone could then lots of life can be saved everyday.

Here are some of the major reason for most of the suicide cases worldwide:-


When people lose hopes then every good aspects in their life seems to be negative. The person may be facing either physical , social or mental challenge and might no way so the situation could improve and end up giving up their life.
It can overwhelm all the positive aspects of a person's life and make suicide seem like a reasonable option when they feel they have lost all hope and are unable to change that.
People with depression may not be able to perceive that things will improve even though it may seem evident to an outsider because of the pessimism and despair that come along with this illness.

2) MENTAL ILLNESS (Depression)

Depression is a major kind of mental illness and according to a research done by American Foundation for suicide prevention, it is found that depression is the prime cause for more than 50% of the suicide committed over the world.
Although there are many things that can affect someone's decision to end their life, severe depression is the most common one. People who are depressed may experience intense emotional pain, a loss of hope, and an inability to perceive any alternative means of easing their suffering save taking their own lives.
Also in most cases suicide is a impulsive decision rather than the preplanned one.
According to a research it is found that people with some types of chronic diseases are about four times more likely to suffer depression.


Suicide may appear like a means to restore dignity and control of one's life if one is suffering from a chronic condition with no prospect of a treatment or relief from the agony. Because of this, assisted suicide is permitted in several states.
According to some research following disease are associated with the higher risk of suicide:
b) Cancer
c) Diabetes and high blood pressure 
d) Heart diseases
e) Mental illness 


Even many years after a traumatic event, such as childhood sexual abuse, rape, physical abuse, or war trauma, a person is more likely to commit suicide.
According to some survey it is found that more than 20% of rape victims children had attempted suicide either in their childhood or once they grow up due to feeling of guilt or some social or peer pressure , of those who were physically assaulted, 23% attempted suicide at least once just cuz of circle or society pressure.


When someone is suicidal, drugs and alcohol can also have an impact on them, making them more impulsive and likely to act on their inclinations than they would be sober. Use of drugs and alcohol can lead to other causes of suicide, such as breakups of relationships and occupations. People with depression and other psychological problems have greater incidence of substance use disorder and alcohol use disorder. The risks rise when you combine these.


When experiencing a loss or the fear of one, a person may resolve to end their own life. When someone close to a person leaves them or dies then they go through some kind of trauma and gets the feel like they are done with everything and they have nothing to do in their life and they ends up quitting themselves.Here are some other feeling of loss situation that may leads to suicide:-
a) Break up or end of close friendship 
b) Financial failures
c) Defamation
d) Feeling of inferiority like feeling of  doing nothing in life.
e) Not acceptance to family, friends or society due to sexual orientation.
f) Poor Academy performance
g) Bullying, ragging and racial or any other type of discrimination.


Sometimes those who try suicide don't really want to die; instead, they just don't know how to receive help. Suicide attempts are a cry for assistance rather than for attention. It turns becomes a means of showing the rest of the world how much they are suffering. Unfortunately, if the person underestimates the lethality of their chosen method, these screams for aid may occasionally prove to be fatal. After a failed attempt, people are far more likely to try again, and their subsequent efforts are much more likely to be fatal.
There are times when apparent suicides turn out to be unintentional deaths. Suffocation suicides include autoerotic asphyxiation and the "choking game," in which youths choke themselves to feel high-like effects (also known as the "pass-out challenge," "flatliner," and "space monkey"). Unintentional overdoses, suicides by gun or poison, and other accidental methods of suicide are also possible.


Though the number dying of suicide is extremely high but suicide can be prevented by an individual or the cumulative group working together against it. Suicide is preventable at some point and everyone has a role in saving the lives and maintaining a better world to live. Here are some of the ways to prevent people from committing suicide

a) Stay connected to the people who are feeling low , who have previously attempted suicide or who are going through some kind of failures and try to listen to them and motivate them to start again with the baby steps.

b)Help them connect with new people and make sure everyone them them as good as you do that will encourage them to start again.

c) If someone is going through any kind of depression then stay with them ,listen to them and help them fight what's killing them from inside.

d) If someone is physically abused victim then treat them normally and don't discard them from your group as if they are not the part of the society. Remember one thing noone go through physical abuse by a choice so treat them even better cuz they are victims and are themselves dying alone inside so be their support. 

e) If someone is addicted to drugs of drinking then help them stop it. It's a fact that every drinker or drug addict wants to quit those habits but their body and mind don't let them do it so help then fight it , it may take time but it can be stopped.

f) Conduct peer norm programs and community engagement activities.

g) Don't discount their feelings:- Pay attention to what they have to say without passing judgment. Don't discount their feelings or experiences.

h) Look suicide as a cry for help and help whatever's in your range either financial help , educational help, social help or mental help.

I) Encourage them to see a precessional:- If someone shares a suicidal thoughts to you then help with whatever you can and gently pressurise them to see a precessional.

You may never know why a person committed suicide. While it might have appeared that someone had everything to live for, it probably didn't feel that way to them. so never judge anyone by what they are doing, eating , wearing, what their colour is , what their caste or assent is . Just help them with whatever you can if you can otherwise leave them in their own way of living.
Everyone has a right to live their life in Their own way. You might be strong financially , academically, physically or in any other parameters but it doesn't mean you have right to dominate anyone.

Love everyone, live happily 


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