
SUICIDE:- Why so many people are dying of suicide everyday ?

Follow @OmEnigma  The WHO estimates that one million individuals worldwide commit suicide each year, which equates to roughly one death every 40 seconds or 3,000 each day. At least 20 people attempt suicide for every one who actually does so. Suicides are most common in Asia and Eastern Europe, according to statistics. With 28.6 suicide deaths per 100,000 persons, Lithuania has the highest rate of all. South Korea came in second with 26.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. It seems that Mondays are the days on which most suicides take place. The smallest crowds are on Saturday. A letter is left behind by 10 to 35% of those who take their own lives. What is suicide? Suicide is the harm cause to self with the intent of dying. When someone damages oneself with the intention of ending their life, but does not pass away as a result of their acts, it is considered a suicide attempt. Numerous factors both enhance and decrease the chance of suicide. There is a link between s

china-Taiwan conflict & why Taiwan is important to the rest of the world?

Follow @OmEnigma                                        Around Taiwan, China is conducting its largest-ever display of military might, including the firing of ballistic missiles. The military drills come after Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, visited the island. China views Taiwan as a secessionist province that will eventually return to being ruled by Beijing. The self-governing island, with its own constitution and freely elected officials, perceives itself as different from the mainland. President Xi Jinping of China has stated that "reunification" with Taiwan "must be realized" and has left open the possibility of using force to accomplish this. History of china-Taiwan According to historical records, the island was first fully governed by China in the 17th century, when the Qing dynasty took it. After losing the first Sino-Japanese war, they later ceded the island to Japan in 1895. After Japan lost the Second World War, China seize

Main events in the 23rd week of Russia's war in Ukraine

 Russian forces target Siversk and Bakhmut in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk province. Russian attempts to attack Verkhnokamyanske, east of Siversk, have been reported by the Ukrainian military staff as fruitless. Moreover, according to the general staff, Ukrainian forces thwarted Russian attempts to approach Bakhmut in Soledar, Semihirya, and Berestove. The Derhachi city council reports intense combat in several communities to the north of Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine.  HIMARS rocket artillery used by Ukrainian forces causes damage to the Antonivka vehicle and rail bridges, making them useless for heavy military transit. This aids in cutting off Russian positions in advance in Kherson, in southern Ukraine. Russian soldiers also make minor offensive attempts in the south but retreat from Davydiv Brid and Bilohirka.                                     Map of Ukraine showing kharkiv city  According to the general staff of Ukraine, its troops suffered casualties while repell

Israel airstrike in Gaza(Palestine) kill 10 civilians including a prominent Islamic leader.

  Summary  :-   10 people are killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, including a prominent Islamic Jihad leader. As tensions between Israel and Palestinian militant organizations continue to grow, the Israeli military carried out deadly attacks on what it claimed were Islamic Jihad sites in Gaza on Friday. Tayseer Al Jabari, one of Islamic Jihad's senior leaders, was reportedly killed in an Israeli strike, according to a statement. The organization claimed that he served as a commander and member of its Military Council for the Quds Brigade, Islamic Jihad's armed wing. A 5-year-old kid and a 23-year-old woman were among the 10 persons who died, according to the Palestinian health ministry. There were 75 more injuries, it claimed. Israel claims the majority of the fatalities were militants. The smaller of the two main militant organizations in Gaza, Islamic Jihad, was the focus of the military action, according to a statement from the Israeli army. According to the Israeli army,

Giving young blood to old people can increase their lifespan ???

Recently an experiment was performed in the mice in which young and old mice were surgically connected such that they shared blood circulation for three months, it was discovered that the longevity of the older mice was not greatly increased. But the younger mice that shared the blood with the older one was found with the decreased lifespan compared to the mice that shared it's blood with the other younger mice.   This whole experiment was based on Heterochronic parabiosis .   Parabiosis, which is derived from two Greek words "para" (next to) and "bios" (life), describes when two completely living creatures are surgically linked and grow a single, shared circulatory system. The method, which can involve the transplantation of cells, tissues, or entire body parts like limbs or other appendages from one creature to another, is essentially a more thorough version of "transbiosis." Since each animal can be seen as an equal partner in the coupling and each

Menstrual cramps and possible home cures to reduce the pain

  What is menstrual cramp? Menstrual cramps or the menstrual pain, medically termed as Dysmenorrhoea is the painful condition in the lower abdominal region caused by the uterine contractions during the periods (menstruation). The uterus sheds it's innermost lining that is endometrium during the menstruation which causes this pain. The pain is either throbbing or cramping in nature. The cramp pain can also cause the pain in lower back , groin and the upper thighs . What causes these cramps? The primary cause of menstrual cramps is the shedding of the endometrium lining of the uterus. But also depending upon the cause these cramps are differentiated into two types :- 1 ) Primary menstrual cramps   Period pain caused by primary dysmenorrhea is the most prevalent type. Period pain that is not brought on by another illness. The main culprit is typically an excess of prostaglandins, which your uterus produces. These substances cause your uterus' muscles to contract and relax, which r

Heart problems due to Corona virus & possible cures

 In our normal understanding we consider covid 19 as a respiratory problem and this consideration is a fact. But our body works on the mutual coordination of all the systems.  Respiratory system functions for the intake and the exhale of the gases in the body , that has intaken is then taken by the blood which comes under circulatory system, this gas in blood helps in breaking down of nutrients that's the part of digestive system and all the functions are voluntarily or involuntarily controlled by the nervous system. Here how we see briefly that how all the systems are correlated. So if these all are interrelated then , even a small problem in one system will directly effect the another one. Same is the case here , though the chief attacking site for the corona virus is respiratory system but it has a lot of affects on the cardiac system either they are directly by the virus or by some other affect caused by virus on some other systems. As of the survey conducted in the Wuhan, Chin

MONKEYPOX outbreak

Corona virus is not over and we are in the verse of some other dangerous virus MONKEYPOX.  This new threat is hitting the world so that even the major countries like US and UK are witnessing death cases everyday . Worldwide occurrences of monkeypox are rising, notably in the US, where the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recorded hundreds of cases since May. An international coordinated response is necessary in response to the global health emergency proclaimed by the World Health Organization. It becomes sense that news of a new virus spreading over the world could raise concerns after more than two years of the Covid-19 outbreak. Although medical professionals believe that monkeypox is unlikely to result in a situation similar to that of the corona virus, concerns about vaccination programs and how monkeypox is propagated still exist. These are some responses. What is monkeypox ? The virus that causes monkey pox is comparable to smallpox, although the symptoms are mild

What multiple covid infection do to your body ?

 Making the small cuts on the large tree for numerous times leads the tree down. Then won't anything happen to our body if it keeps on getting and recovering from the covid??? Well , absolutely these multiple covid infection must have certain long term or short term consequences on the body. And after the outbreak of the more infectious Omicron variant these reinfection rates are even rising . Let's see what happens to our body when we suffer from multiple covid infections. A study showed that each new infection added to the body can increase the risk of dying from any causes (not necessarily from the covid). Actually body don't remain normal to the resistance to foreign particles when it encounters multiple covid infection. It get weaken. It may also provide boost to the fatal disorders of the heart , blood and brain related disorders , as well as it provides the diseases like diabetes, chronic fatigue and long term covid to show their actions with ease (to know more about

How CO2 is destroying the planet and what are the ways in action reduce it?

In the normal biological energy cycle, carbon dioxide plays the major role. Glucose is the most important source of energy for all the living organisms either plants , animals or any other micro or macro organisms excluding certain chemotropic bacterias. And carbon dioxide is the source of carbon present in the glucose molecules fixed by the green photosynthetic plants and blue green algae. In this cycle the evolution of oxygen takes place which is the basis of all the lives on the earth. Earth is estimated to have only 0.03% carbon dioxide in its atmosphere which in terms of data looks very small but this small value have lots of consequences in maintaining the life on earth . Even a small decimal degree rise or fall in the amount of carbon dioxide may lead us to the devastating consequences   The planet and other living things cannot survive with excessive levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Although CO2 is a byproduct of life and an essential component of the plant growth cy